Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Big Smile Can Get You a Lot More Than You Think

Have you ever wandered into a fast food place where there are a lot of cashiers and almost no line? You walk in and you have a choice of which cashier to walk up to place your order. One of the cashiers is a surly old guy, the other is a bored but beautiful girl and the third is a smiling and bubbly but plain looking young woman. Who would you walk up to? Chances are that if you are like most people, you would ignore the first two and walk up to the smiling cashier. Now, you may not know this, but that is a form of attraction. You were attracted to the smiling plain girl over the frowning hot one.
This is because, we crave human interaction and that need to be polite and have a hassle free experience is subconscious and supersedes the need to talk to a pretty girl. The concept of beauty is cultural whereas the concept of getting a hassle free meal is subconscious. Why does all this matter to you?
Well, the most powerful way for you to meet new people, make friends or even get into a romantic relationship is easier than you think. The way to do it is to simply smile. By that I don't mean you should smile like an idiot or like a fake poser, but to really smile and try to be happy inside. Happiness is communicated through your eyes and the difference between a fake and a real smile can be ascertained by looking at someone's eyes. You can make your mouth fake a smile but you can't make your eyes smile deceptively.
Smiling eyes are one of the most attractive features in a person. It says a lot about that person's personality. Happy and cheerful people have more friends because people like to be around them and feed off of their happiness. These people are also all too happy to spread the cheer and good humor around. After being assaulted by negativity on a daily basis, most people crave for cheer and humor and a smile will get you a lot of points.
So the next time you are going to a party where you know you will be expected to socialize and maybe meet someone cute, try smiling. If you spot someone you want to get to know better but are too afraid to go talk to them, hover around their vicinity and introduce yourself to someone of your own gender first. This will show the person that you are cool and approachable, and then when you smile at them, they will be compelled to smile back.

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